how to stay Touched up

Here are a few tips on daily haircare, and how to TOUCH up your Touched Hair Company bundles, frontals, and lace closures. By following the tips provided below will help your bundles to look healthy, manageable, and re-usable. Always remember without proper maintenance your hair will not last.




  • When our bundles are received carefully remove all bundle wrap stickers to avoid pulling out strands of the hair. Before installing make sure to co-wash all bundles frontals, and closures. Shampoo your bundle twice, condition once. Rinse unit all suds are not visual with cold water.


Air Dried vs. Styled

Body Touch

The most important task when installing our hair is to have it applied professionally. When your bundles are applied properly, it will make the process easy to care for and maintain. If your bundles are not applied properly, your natural hair will become tense and cause damage and or breakage.

When applying heat such as curling, fat irons, and other excessive use of heating appliances please do so to a minimum. As too much heat can weaken the hair strands and cause heat damage. This applies for any hair that isn’t attached to the human body’s scalp. Think about if the hair was attached to your hair follicles. would you apply as much heat?

  • Daily Care: Brush and or comb through to style, and if needed apply an alcohol-free hair serum to keep the hair intact and shiny.

  • Bed Time: Apply a silk scarf to protect the hair from rubbing and keeping the hair firmly in place while asleep.

  • When to wash: Twice every two weeks.

The best products to use when shampooing and conditioning your bundles would be…


Bed Head - This product is an “Urban Antidotes Resurrection shampoo and conditioner”. It helps with micro shields to boost strength, stamina, and to bring back brittle or weak hair due to its powerful moisture.

Mixed Chicks & Curls Unleashed - These two products work extremely great and are highly suggested to use with our “Deep Touch” textured extensions. By applying these products to our Deep Touch extensions, this will allow the curl to define itself and control the curl pattern while the hair is wet too dry. These products also minimizes frizzing and prevents our Deep Touch extensions from becoming big and poofy. Always remember the tighter the curl the most maintenance will be required!

Deep Touch extensions will need to be wet almost EVERY OTHER DAY depending on the look you are aiming to achieve. Get ready for everyone to ask who’s hair do you have? lol.


Organix Coconut Mix - Helps with strengthen and hydrating your bundles and leaves a soft scented glowing feel. Sulfate free, which makes the product safe for color treated hair as well.

Organix Coconut Water - Weightless hydration. Good when getting out of the pool and bundles contain chlorine, or when hair contains a lot of hair spray.


Tea Tree Special - Helps with individuals who have dandruff. This product will not only treat our bundles, but also help stimulating new hair growth on hair underneath.